


Hair Replacement

The hair replacement in Rawalpindi is a minimally invasive technique for pattern baldness that is known for its effectiveness. This page discusses our latest hair replacement. If you want to see our doctor, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us now. You may continue reading to read more about it.


Hair Replacement is the only way by which you can get hair restoration immediately. This is an artificial process of restoring hairs. Also, this is the simplest and instant way of restoring hairs. In this process, artificial scalps, mostly handmade scalps are used. Basically, these artificial scalps have hairs tied to them and these scalps are then pasted onto the bald areas on your head. This is also called the Hair System. Their cost is between $100 to $200.

There are also available some hair replacement systems with low cost, and also they look so natural But doesn’t last long. They may get exposed anytime. So, hair transplantation is a good option for hair replacement. There are some benefits of hair replacement in comparison with the artificial solution:

  • Hair transplantation is a permanent solution to baldness, whereas hair system is temporary.
  • In hair transplantation, hair grows naturally but in hair system, there is no hair growth.
  • Hair system lasts for two to three years, whereas hair transplantation lasts for a lifetime.
  • There is a huge difference in the cost of transplantation and hair system but the results of transplant are so amazing so, surgery is a better option.
  • With the passage of time the hair system gets older, it loses its grip and seems like you are wearing a wig, but hair transplant gets better and looks natural.


There are some goals associated with hair restoration technique, should be followed. These goals may include:

  • To get rid of baldness.
  • To get a thicker hair head.
  • To boost your confidence.
  • To increase your self-esteem.
  • To enhance your Appearance.
  • To get a beautiful younger look.
  • To restoring hair without getting into the fatigue of graft insertion and incisions.

Other Non-surgical Methods

There are some other non-surgical methods available for hair restoration if you don’t want to go for surgery. There are other options available like ACell, PRP, and Mesotherapy, these are non-surgical methods and they provide natural results. If you want non-surgical hair restoration then these methods are the best choice for you.

  • ACell: Basically this method is a combination of PRP and ACell’s MatriStem. In this method, the liquid is injected into the scalp to reduce hair thinning.
  • Mesotherapy: This is also a safe method of hair restoration. This is also a natural process for hair restoration.  In this method, special and particular supplements will be injected into your scalp. These supplements boost hair growth in a natural way. For best results, multiple sessions are required.
  • PRP Method: In this method, your own blood will be used to perform the process that is why this method has no side effects. In this procedure, a small amount of your blood will be taken and plasma and platelets will be extracted from the blood. After this step, plasma will be injected into the desired area. After getting multiple sessions, your natural hairs will start growing. You will get a head full of natural hairs.

Why These Methods Are Better Than Hair Replacement?

As mentioned above these methods are “non-surgical”, It means it will restore your hairs naturally without hurting your scalp. Besides this hair transplantation is an artificial process that may hurt your scalp.

However, you can follow any of the above methods for hair replacement in Rawalpindi because these non-surgical methods are approved by the FDA.

Free Online Consultation 

Go questions about our hair replacement in Rawalpindi. Do not keep to yourself if you have any questions. You can contact us anytime by filling our online form or calling us.

If you have some interest in it, our specialist can help you learn more. So book your consultation session by filling our online form or calling us.

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