Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP)
Scalp micro pigmentation (SMP) is a new, non-surgical procedure for individuals who don’t want to
undergo intensive therapy or a hair transplant. The cosmetic procedure involves a pen-based tattoo
machine that creates in-depth dots on your scalp to mimic the shape of natural hair follicles.
Although it is widely used for creating small dots to create a shaved hairstyle look, it can also be used to
create the illusion of longer-length hair. SMP differs from other types of tattoos in terms of intensity and
depth, as the scalp is thicker than other body parts.
Who Needs/Candidates
Scalp micro pigmentation is a suitable option for anyone looking to enhance the overall appearance of
their scalp. You may benefit from SMP if:
- You want to cover up a receding hairline.
- Want precise control over the appearance of your scalp.
- Oral or topical hair restoration medication does not work for you
Besides these, the procedure can be especially helpful for individuals suffering from certain types of
health conditions. These can include those going through or having a history of:
- Cancer
- Balding
- Pattern baldness
- Alopecia
- Hair thinning
You should also ensure that you don’t have any skin sensitivities or health conditions that may interfere
with the procedure. These can include conditions like:
- Psoriasis
- Scalp inflammation
- At the risk of developing keloids
- Active eczema
- Hair thinning
Results to Expect
The results of your micro pigmentation will depend on multiple individual factors, such as the ink colour
used, the number of layering, the style of pigmentation, and the type of skin. However, there are still
common results you can expect from our Scalp Micropigmentation at Royal Cosmetics Clinic. These

- High-density, vibrant pigmentations
- Natural-looking, subtle outcomes
- An in-depth illusion of hair density
- Precise hairline shape as desired.
- Long-lasting results for up to 8 years.
It’s important to note that the treatment cannot fix hair loss or balding and only works to hide it with
tattoos. The procedure is considered semi-permanent and highly prone to fading over the years. Keep in
mind that all skin naturally exfoliates and replaces itself over time, resulting in fading pigmentation.
Treatment Goals
The primary reason people opt for Scalp micro pigmentation is a cosmetic improvement. It is highly
effective as a quick and non-invasive alternative to more serious hair restoration methods such as a hair
transplant. The procedure is also a long-term solution and, therefore, not recommended for a short-term
Preparation/Pre-Op Care
Your micro pigmentation procedure will involve multiple care steps and precautions as some level of
scalp penetration is required. Engaging in the following practices will help you manage and go through
the process easily:
- Avoid alcohol, as it can lead to blood thinning.
- Keep your scalp moisturised, as it will help with absorbing the ink more effectively.
- Besides alcohol, avoid all medication and food that may cause blood thinning, such as Warfarin and caffeine
- Avoid all anticoagulants such as Ibuprofen and Aspirin as they increase the risk of bleeding.
- Do not tan your skin for at least two weeks before the treatment.
- Ensure your scalp is free of dandruff and dry skin by exfoliating the night before
Treatment Steps
Your Micropigmentation procedure begins with an in-depth consultation with your practitioner. This
helps both parties develop a clear idea about the desired and expected outcomes. Your practitioner then
matches the tattoo ink with the tone of your skin and hair follicles. Your first session only involves
creating spaced pigmentation with a lighter shade. During this stage, your practitioner takes the time to
judge how well your scalp is responding to the ink and its penetration. After a positive response, your
scalp will be filled with multiple layers of ink and different shades in the follow-up sessions. The number
of sessions will depend on the density of required pigmentation, the number of layering needed, and the
overall response of your scalp. Each session is conducted after a 10 to 14 days gap to allow sufficient
time for previous ink to settle in.
Recovery/Post-Op Care
Because a high level of ink colour, precise direction, and multiple layering of inks is involved, anything
related to moisture and washing should be avoided. To ensure that the layering, colouring, and styling of
your pigmentation are not damaged, ensure the following:
- Shower right before each session, as you won’t be able to wash your scalp for at least four days.
- Avoid all strenuous activities after each session, as sweat can cause ink dislodgement.
- Avoid exposing your scalp to excessive heat, don’t go swimming or use sauna roams for at least 28 days.
- Direct exposure to the sun and heat should be avoided for at least 28 days after the final treatment.
- After 28 days, use sunscreen on the scalp to avoid discolouration
- Refrain from excessive scrubbing or exfoliation, as it can affect the ink’s absorption.
Cost of Scalp Micropigmentation in Rawalpindi
If you are considering getting a scalp micro pigmentation procedure in Rawalpindi, knowing the
associated costs can help you make a more informed decision. An SMP cost can vary by multiple factors,
and your individual situation plays a key role in the exact price. The area to be covered, the type of hue
desired, the level of depth, and layering are all important factors determining the SMP cost. You can
book a free consultation with our clinic in Rawalpindi today. One of our practitioners will help you
understand the exact cost of the SMP for your specific needs.
- They require little to no anaesthesia and can be done within an hour.
- They come with a minimal recovery period without any downtime.
- The results are immediately visible and reach their full prominence within 2-3 days.
- They last for months and years, depending on the depth of filling and material used.
- They carry very little risk of side effects and complications compared to surgeries.
- They are more affordable and allow individuals more control over the resulting contour, shape, and lift.
Book a Free Consultation Session
Do you want to try our scalp micropigmentation in Rawalpindi? It is good to visit us to learn more about
this treatment. All you need is to contact us and schedule a consultation session with one of our experts.