


Sapphire FUE vs. FUE

An FUE hair transplant is quickly growing in popularity due to its ability to deliver precise, natural-looking results. Being a non-invasive treatment, the transplant involves minimal downtown and a reduced risk of tissue damage.

Both Sapphire FUE and conventional FUE transplants are largely similar. Their primary similarity includes:

  • Both extract individual hair follicles to minimise the damage around the scalp.
  • Accompany a more controlled placement resulting in natural outcomes.
  • Leave smaller incisions and scars than other hair transplant alternatives such as FUT.
  • Comparatively shorter recovery times and less discomfort.
  • Little to no use of anaesthesia.

Overall, both treatments deliver quick and high-quality results, which become visible within the first three months of the treatment. They also have a higher success rate due to more precise insertion.

Which One is Better?

Although both are equally beneficial, there are some qualities that make a Sapphire FUE preferable.

Conventionally, most FUE treatments use steel or other metallic blades to create channels within the scalp for hair follicle insertion. These are larger in diameter and create bigger incisions. This translates into a higher risk of bleeding, more prominent scars, and excessive scabbing.

Sapphire FUE gets its name from the v-shaped Sapphire blades it uses for incisions. These blades are made with naturally-occurring gemstones and hold anti-bacterial properties. They are thoughtfully designed with a V-shape edge to deliver more precise angling, direction, and channel opening. The result is smaller incisions and a lower risk of bleeding, infections, or scabbing.

Differences Between FUE and Sapphire FUE

Some of the core differences can be simplified in terms of the unique benefits, results, and recovery times they offer.

Average Treatment Time

Both types of transplants accompany at least 4 to 7 hours of treatment, depending on the depth and coverage required. A Sapphire FUE transplant can create more grafts in lesser time. Creating a moderate amount of grants requires around 2-3 hours, while maximum graft creation takes nearly 4-7 hours.

However, the difference is that the treatment can be completed in just one session. Compared to this, conventional FUE transplants usually require 4-5 sessions for comprehensive results.

Healing Period

Conventional FUE accompanies bleeding, tenderness, swelling, and multiple wounds throughout the scalp. These issues can take up to 10 days to improve. Any wounds and scabs usually take around three weeks to shred off. The blades used in Sapphire FUE are much more delicate and can be created based on the scalp texture and sensitivity of the patient. Because it involves minimal contact with the skin, it also ensures less tissue damage and discomfort on the scalp. For this reason, Sapphire FUE usually

results in less swelling, lower recovery time, and minimal risk of complications. Most wounds heal relatively quickly, and scab formation is almost non-existent.

Advantages of a Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant

Safe for Sensitive Scalps

A Sapphire FUE hair transplant is generally aimed at those allergic to metal or having certain scalp sensitivities. Individuals at higher risk of bleeding also find Sapphire FUE more suitable due to the smaller incisions made.

Natural Outcomes

Another benefit is its ability to deliver more coverage by allowing a greater number of insertions. Compared to conventional FUE, Sapphire blades can allow more hair follicles to be placed close to each other, resulting in a denser and more in-depth appearance.

High-density Growth

A healthy, natural scalp has approximately 70-120 inches per cm² which are significantly higher than what current hair transplants can create. Conventional FUE transplantation is limited by the large size of their incisions and can only recreate a hair density between 25-30 grafts per cm². Even with multiple sessions, it can only deliver a maximum graft number of 6000. Moreover, a high number of grafts are not preferred under conventional FUE due to the excessive damage they can cause to the scalp with too many incisions.

Quicker Treatments

A Sapphire FUE can create as many as 4000 grafts in just one session while also minimising the pain and discomfort involved. This results in higher density regrowth of at least 35-45 grafts per cm². For this reason, they are a more comfortable and safer treatment for individuals that require a large area to be covered.

Follicle Retention

Exact retention is a common issue with conventional FUE hair transplants. When a hair follicle is to be placed, the depth, length, and direction of the incision play an important role. In the case of conventional FUE, the channels opened for insertion are much larger and deeper, which gives room for hair follicles to move out of place. Sapphire FUE minimises this mobility and keeps the hair follicle knit tightly into place. This delivers a more natural and as-desired look.

Which one is better for your needs?

Both types of FUE hair transplants come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages. One may be more suitable for your scalp and personal preferences than the other. An important consideration is the number of insertions needed and the area to be covered. If you are looking to receive multiple insertions to restore a very high hair density throughout the scalp, a Sapphire FUE will be a better choice. Likewise, a conventional FUE with steel or other metallic blades will work just as well for you if you only require a limited number of incisions. This will help you avoid overpaying for the more sophisticated Sapphire FUE and keep the treatment more affordable.

Book a Free Consultation Session

If you are interested in knowing about FUE hair transplant of Sapphire FUE hair transplant, do not hesitate to get in touch with us anytime. You can book any of these treatment by contacting us.

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