Non-Surgical Hair Replacement
What is non-surgical hair replacement? How does it work? What option do I have? These are the
questions we hear when we suggest non-surgical hair replacement to people that have developed
balding areas but they are not good candidates for hair transplant. It refers to different techniques using
which hair restoration professionals improve the appearance of people desirous of having good hair
volume. Let’s see how it works and what options you have.
Who Needs/Candidates
You are a good candidate for a non-surgical hair replacement treatment if:
- Your scalp has developed too thin or bald areas
- You are not a good candidate for a hair transplant
- You want to get hair on the crown, frontal, temple, or middle areas of the scalp
Results to Expect
Our professionals always try to perform the personalized treatment. We will make sure your new hair
suits you, and you look much better than before. Your confidence will boost after having our hair
Techniques Available
Denova Aesthetics is offering the following two hair replacement techniques at the moment:
Hair Extensions: One can get a good hair volume through hair extensions which delivers obvious results.
Hair extensions are small pieces of hair that can be added to your hair. The newly added hair matches
your hair texture colour. Thus, they look totally natural.
Hair Replacement System: Wigs or hair replacement systems can be used to get beautiful hair that looks
natural. These hair replacement systems are not ordinary wigs that we see mostly but rather closer to
reality. It is hard to identify that they are not real.
Pre-Treatment Care
The treatment is non-surgical and non-invasive, which means no care or preparation is required before
the treatment. You just have to tell your preferences and set a date for your treatment.
Post-Treatment Care
No care or preparation is required after the treatment because it is a non-surgical and non-invasive
option. All you need is to share your preferences and set a date for your treatment.
Benefits Expected
Your overall appearance will improve after getting natural-looking hair. Our job is to make your new hair
look original and appealing. Our customers feel much better after undergoing our simple hair
replacement in Islamabad/Rawalpindi.
Cost of Treatment
The cost of non-surgical hair replacement in Rawalpindi varies from person to person because different
people have different levels of hair loss and hair replacement preferences. Please book a consultation
with one of our hair replacement experts in Islamabad to know the cost of hair replacement.
Book a Free Consultation Session
You have read about non-surgical hair replacement here, and you might have more questions if you are
interested in this option. By booking a session with one of our non-surgical hair replacement experts in
Rawalpindi, you will be able to learn a lot more about this easy way of hair restoration.